De TestTassen GTI-R zijn op voorraad!!

De TestTas hoort bij het Gedragstaxatie Instrument - Revised (GTI-R). Het GTI-R is één van de weinige instrumenten die afgestemd is op de specifieke kenmerken van mensen met (zeer) ernstige verstandelijke en meervoudige beperkingen ((Z)EVMB) om functionele mogelijkheden in kaart te brengen en waarvan de psychometrische kwaliteit onderzocht is en voldoende is. Marleen Wessels promoveerde op haar onderzoek naar assessement bij mensen met (Z)EVMB. Bestel 'm hier >>

Read more about Marleen Wessels

Marleen Wessels

Senior researcher
University of Groningen

What is your role within the Academic Collaborative Centre related to people with PIMD?

I am a PhD student at the University of Groningen. The focus of my doctoral research is the assessment of people with PIMD. Assessment generates insight into these individuals’ abilities, preferences, wishes and needs, so that the support offered to them can be tailored accordingly.

What do you hope to achieve?

I want to see more information become available about the quality of the assessment of people with PIMD. At present, very few assessment methods are available that have been developed specifically for this target group and tested for psychometric quality. I also want my research to contribute to the improvement of the psychometric quality of an instrument that measures functional abilities. I am a strong believer in the need to strengthen the links between science and practice.

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