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Partners ACC-PIMD

The University of Groningen

The University of Groningen is a partner of the Academic Collaborative Centre related to people with PIMD (ACC-PIMD).

The University of Groningen is an ambitious research university with strong, thriving roots in the north of the Netherlands. The Department of Special Needs Education falls under the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences. Its objective is to understand, support and improve the development of children and adults whose families are likely to encounter parenting problems. As well as studying the person themselves, our primary focus is on the roles that the people around them (parents and professionals) play in these parenting problems.

Why did we decide to partner with the ACC-PIMD?
Since the 1980s, the Department of Special Needs Education has played a pioneering role in research into the quality of life of children and adults with PIMD and their loved ones, always in close collaboration with practice. Our vision and mission match those of the ACC-PIMD perfectly. The ACC-PIMD formalises the collaboration between different organisations, educational institutions and disciplines so that, together, we can work as effectively as possible on improving the support given to people with PIMD and their loved ones.

More information about the University of Groningen

's Heeren Loo

's Heeren Loo is a partner of the Academic Collaborative Centre related to people with PIMD (ACC-PIMD).

's Heeren Loo helps to give people with an intellectual disability autonomy. We support people throughout the Netherlands. The help that we offer varies from light, home-based support and outpatient treatment to intensive 24-hour care in residential homes. One of the main categories of clients with complex and intensive care needs that we support are those with PIMD. We enjoy a strong collaborative relationship with the University of Groningen, working together to improve the diagnosis, treatment and support for people with PIMD and their loved ones.

Why did we decide to partner with the ACC-PIMD?
The ACC-PIMD provides a framework for the development and application of practice-oriented research. The result? Professionals are able to deliver better work and clients and their loved ones benefit as they see their lives improve.

More information about 's Heeren Loo

Hanze University of Applied Sciences

Hanze University of Applied Sciences is a partner of the Academic Collaborative Centre related to people with PIMD (ACC-PIMD).

The various knowledge centres at Hanze University of Applied Sciences, including the Healthy Ageing knowledge centre, conduct practice-oriented scientific research. The Research Group on Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care and Nursing is a partner of the ACC-PIMD.

Why the Academic Collaborative Centre?
Hanze University of Applied Sciences and the ACC-PIMD share almost the same vision, objectives, research topics and target group. The different educational programmes and disciplines (special needs education and paramedics) complement and strengthen each other. This interdisciplinary collaboration between the two organisations, combined with collaboration with the loved ones of people with PIMD, reflects our practice.

More information about Hanze University of Applied Sciences

Koninklijke Visio

Koninklijke Visio is a partner of the Academic Collaborative Centre related to people with PIMD (ACC-PIMD).

Koninklijke Visio is a centre of expertise for blind and visually impaired people, offering them support in the form of research, advice and coaching. We provide the following categories of care: Rehabilitation and Advice, Education and Accommodation and Day Centre Services. Koninklijke Visio has a wealth of specialist knowledge and expertise and is continuously developing new methods and products. More than 70% of people with severe multiple disabilities are also visually impaired or blind. Caring for them gives rise to complex questions from their parents, carers and support workers.

Why did we decide to partner with the ACC-PIMD?
The Academic Collaborative Centre’s approach of combining research with care practice generates useful new insights for us. Participating in scientific research helps us to scrutinise and improve the services that we provide and to keep them relevant. We work in close collaboration with universities and sister organisations. The ACC-PIMD is one of the contexts in which that collaboration can happen.

More information about Koninklijke Visio