De TestTassen GTI-R zijn op voorraad!!

De TestTas hoort bij het Gedragstaxatie Instrument - Revised (GTI-R). Het GTI-R is één van de weinige instrumenten die afgestemd is op de specifieke kenmerken van mensen met (zeer) ernstige verstandelijke en meervoudige beperkingen ((Z)EVMB) om functionele mogelijkheden in kaart te brengen en waarvan de psychometrische kwaliteit onderzocht is en voldoende is. Marleen Wessels promoveerde op haar onderzoek naar assessement bij mensen met (Z)EVMB. Bestel 'm hier >>

Read more about Petra Poppes

Petra Poppes

Knowledge broker
's Heeren Loo

What is your role within the Academic Collaborative Centre related to people with PIMD?

I am one of two knowledge brokers working at the Academic Collaborative Centre related to people with PIMD. We collect knowledge: we want to know what questions the families of children with PIMD have and what questions our colleagues in the field have. Those questions can then be added to the knowledge agenda. At ’s Heeren Loo, I work as a healthcare psychologist within the PIMD Centre of Expertise, where we translate scientific knowledge into practice by, for example, developing training materials.

What do you hope to achieve?

My goal is to make knowledge accessible and to ensure that it gets to where it needs to be. People with PIMD have a right to growth and autonomy, which means giving them the right support. And the right support is dependent on scientists, professionals, parents and other relatives all being able to share what they know.

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