Uitnodiging voor ouders: deel je kennis in onderzoek naar ontwikkeling motorische vaardigheden

Read more about Aly Waninge

Aly Waninge

Management Team ACC-PIMD/Lector
Hanze University of Applied Sciences

What is your role within the Academic Collaborative Centre related to people with PIMD?

I represent Hanze University of Applied Sciences in the Management Team. I am also involved in various doctoral research projects within the ACC-PIMD as a second supervisor. These research themes include motor activation, participation and the quality of life of families who have a child with PIMD.

What do you hope to achieve?

My goal is to meet the need expressed by those involved in the day-to-day support of people with PIMD for theory-based, scientifically underpinned knowledge surrounding diagnostics and treatment. Both in practice and as a scientist, it is my strong desire to advocate for people with severe or profound visual, intellectual and motor-related disabilities. I want to contribute to the generation of new knowledge in the context of a sound scientific process that recognises the value of input from families and professionals.

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