De TestTassen GTI-R zijn op voorraad!!

De TestTas hoort bij het Gedragstaxatie Instrument - Revised (GTI-R). Het GTI-R is één van de weinige instrumenten die afgestemd is op de specifieke kenmerken van mensen met (zeer) ernstige verstandelijke en meervoudige beperkingen ((Z)EVMB) om functionele mogelijkheden in kaart te brengen en waarvan de psychometrische kwaliteit onderzocht is en voldoende is. Marleen Wessels promoveerde op haar onderzoek naar assessement bij mensen met (Z)EVMB. Bestel 'm hier >>

Read more about Aly Waninge

Aly Waninge

Management Team ACC-PIMD/Lector
Hanze University of Applied Sciences

What is your role within the Academic Collaborative Centre related to people with PIMD?

I represent Hanze University of Applied Sciences in the Management Team. I am also involved in various doctoral research projects within the ACC-PIMD as a second supervisor. These research themes include motor activation, participation and the quality of life of families who have a child with PIMD.

What do you hope to achieve?

My goal is to meet the need expressed by those involved in the day-to-day support of people with PIMD for theory-based, scientifically underpinned knowledge surrounding diagnostics and treatment. Both in practice and as a scientist, it is my strong desire to advocate for people with severe or profound visual, intellectual and motor-related disabilities. I want to contribute to the generation of new knowledge in the context of a sound scientific process that recognises the value of input from families and professionals.

Related research of Aly

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