Uitnodiging voor ouders: deel je kennis in onderzoek naar ontwikkeling motorische vaardigheden


Tailored physical activity

Status: Completed

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KDC Aandachtslab is a daytime care centre especially for children with PIMD. It seeks to provide individualised support aimed at maximising each child’s development and their quality of life. Physical activity plays a key role in KDC Aandachtslab’s approach.

KDC Aandachtslab

Children with PIMD cannot engage in physical activity without a lot of support from other people. At KDC Aandachtslab, the physical activities are tailored to suit the needs and wishes of each individual child. Physical activity is part of the daily programme for all the children and requires the commitment and involvement of the entire team.

Benefits to practice

KDC Aandachtslab is the first children’s daytime care centre in the Netherlands to offer this form of physical activity-based support. The aim of the current project is to evaluate the viability and efficacy of this innovative support approach.
If the approach proves effective, KDC Aandachtslab can serve as a model for other children’s daytime care centres wishing to make physical activity central to their support of children with PIMD.

About the researcher

Read more about Annette van der Putten

Annette van der Putten

Management Team ACC-PIMD/Full Professor
University of Groningen

What is your role within the Academic Collaborative Centre related to people with PIMD?

I represent the University of Groningen in the Management Team of the ACC-PIMD. I am a full professor in Special Needs Education at the University of Groningen. My goal is to develop a better understanding of how best to support children and adults with severe or profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and their families. To this end, we are conducting various research projects focusing on the people with disabilities themselves, their families and the professionals who support them, as well as the relationship between these three groups. My role is to supervise these research endeavours and to prepare applications for new projects. I also lecture our own Special Needs Education students on a regular basis, as well as giving other lectures in this country and abroad.

What do you hope to achieve?

I want us to arrive at a place where we recognise children and adults with PIMD as a group that has the same rights to quality of life as everyone else – a life in which they can reach their full potential and can determine for themselves what their priorities are, to the greatest extent possible. That means conducting quality research, founded on equality-based collaboration with practice partners.

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